Requirement Specs Guideline

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How do you write requirements?

  1. Use a (Good) Requirements Document Template
  2. Follow Requirement Formatting Best Practices
  3. Organize in a Hierarchical Structure
  4. Make Sure Each Requirement is Testable
  5. Rationale Statements are Always Appreciated
  6. Don’t Use Weak Words
  7. Avoid Passive Voice
  8. Don’t Fall into the Requirements Document Vagueness Trap
  9. Write Requirements Documents from the Perspective of a Client or Manager
  10. Hold An External Review and Evaluate the Requirements Document with a Diverse Team
  11. .

 Check out our TEMPLATE: Requirement Specification Guide with Real-World EXAMPLE

Key Points

Usually, requirement specs must specify 2 key factors: What are real pain points and what are the added values for which customer want to achieve for their ROI?

  1. What are Pain Points and what are Gains?

    A pain point is a specific problem that prospective customers of your business are experiencing. In other words, you can think of pain points as problems, plain and simple.

  2. Where are the Added Values?

    An element added to a product that makes it more attractive to customers.
    Usually, added value makes it worth the extra cost.

Real-world example: DoseSmart
DoseSmart - an app to take control of your medications using revolutionary, portable smart pills bottle with mobile reminder system and statistics.
User Stories

Project: DoseSmart

  • As a patient, I want the application and smartcap setup process to be easy and guided
  • As a patient, I want to be able to easily manage my medication schedule so I can set the times and days for alerts
  • As a patient, I want to be able to easily manage my friends so I can have a good support network
  • As a patient, I want to be able to get to key functions in one tap so I don’t waste time
  • As a user, I want to have consistent nomenclature in the app so I do not get confused
  • As a friend, I want to be notified when action is needed so I can help the patient
  • As a friend, I want to be presented with the patient’s preferred contact information when I received a missed dose alert so I can easily support the patient
  • As a friend, I want to be able to access the patient’s app to view reports or to edit settings so I can support patient
  • As a patient, I want my activity history to be viewable in graphical form so I can understand it easily and show it to my doctor quickly
  • As a patient, I want to be able to add or edit medications quickly and easily so I can keep the app current with my regimen
  • As a patient, I want the number of screens/taps to be as few as possible to achieve a task so I can minimize the time effort spent and so I don’t get lost in or frustrated with the app
  • As a patient I want a User eXperience (UX) that includes nice graphics to help me build an emotional attachment to the app so I am more likely to use it and thus have better health outcomes
 Finalization of requirements: Based on the WEIGHTED SCORE for frequency versus Relevance

 Learn the requirement engineering via our GLOSSARY / TERMINOLOGY for Writing Better Requirements.