BPO - Software Outsourcing Services You will usually find that any company with an acceptable level of competency in the software industry will usually charge you through the roof; the lower the prices, the lower the quality standard of the applications. That is usually the trend you will see in the industry. However, TIGO team creates the applications with attention to detail, and you get all this at an affordable price.


Outsourcing Outsourcing

Benefits Of Outsourced Works

 We provide the lean, optimum
TIGO, short for "Tinh Gọn", a Vietnamese word that means "Lean and Optimum". Our slogan "Streamline Your Work" is a key driver to strike the right balance between personalization versus automation, relevance versus frequency etc. Our collective memory with past projects has always kept us vigilant about the typical pain problems in software industry. One of those things is "Keep It Simple, but Significant".
, cost-effective and adaptive
An adaptive approach involves exploring alterna- tive ways to meet management objectives, predicting the outcomes of alternatives based on the current state of knowledge, implementing one or more of these alternatives, monitoring to learn about the impacts of management actions, and then using the results to update.

  • Cost savings. Save on infrastructure and technology.
  • Increased efficiency. Outsourcing works best when your project has specific requirements, or is unrelated to your core business.
  • Improved focus on core business activities.
  • Improved management of outsourced functions.
  • Access to skilled resources. Get continuous supports from professional tech guys.
  • Get objective advices from external IT teams.
  • Only pay for what you really need.
  • Advantage from time zone difference.
  • Greater competitive advantage.